So last week I turned on the digital camera and the LCD screen was all white. That's it, just a white screen. I didn't drop the camera or anything, it just happened all the sudden. It still took photos, but you couldn't see them. What's the point of a digital camera if you can't see the pictures you take? Of course I felt pretty devastated. I don't take pictures much myself of course, but it has gotten to be Jonathan's livelihood, and we aren't in any position to buy a new digital camera either. I prayed and asked God that the camera would get fixed somehow- God is the God of electronics even, right?
Anyway, I started to think that if we asked for money for Christmas maybe we could afford to buy a new one, so I looked up digital cameras on Amazon and there are all over 150$, which is just too much. Then, I think maybe it can be fixed somehow, even though I have no idea how. I go to google and type in "digital camera LCD screen broken", click on one of the sites and it takes me to some "Fixya" website that has a listing of electronic products. I look up our exact camera, and guess what- several other people have had the same problem. The solutions given are rather weird and I'm not sure what they mean, but they all say something like- "hit the Cybershot logo on the camera." I think to myself, okay whatever, and hit the logo on the camera, turn it on, and viola! the screen now works. I can hardly believe my eyes.
God answers even the smallest prayers and can fix everything from our hearts to our digital cameras.