Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Help I am trapped in MySpace

So now i know why everyone at the school's computers are not doing homework and are just looking at myspace. that place is mind numbing. i probably spent two hours looking up people i know. ugh. fortunately i think i am cured for awhile and i won't have to go back. ever.
why does everyone insist on using those hideous overstimulated backgrounds?
that's all i will say for now on this topic.


Anonymous said...

*overstimulated backgrounds

It sounds as if you don't get out much, Sage.

alicia marie said...

mine isn't it? come on....once you start a blog, it is just a slippery slope to a fully functioning myspace know you want to.

Sage said...

alicia- no yours isn't overstimulated. no please... no fully function myspace page for me. i'll look but won't touch

Sage said...
