Thursday, March 1, 2007

Take Note

Just wanted to point you out to my recent additions. The hymns you need to hear are a few of my favorite songs we sing at church. I like them so much I wanted to share them with all of you. So please click on a couple to listen. It doesn't play the whole song unfortnuately (and the singers aren't that great) but you get the idea. In the future I'll try to add more, and find better recordings of them.

This week's corporate confession is a part of our church's liturgy. I encourage you to read it some time. It is one of my favorite parts of the service, because so often it is able to put my own thoughts and feelings into words much better than I can. You can click on the link at the bottom to learn more about our church too, if you would like.

Piano practice log is strictly for my benefit. For some reason it has been easier to keep track by posting it on here than writing it down.

Also, I updated my profile so you can check that out if you would like.

And for you fellow bloggers-
does anyone know why I can't get my profile picture to stay viewable? After awhile it just shows a red x in the box so I just took it off. I don't know what's up. It is annoying.


Kelly said...

I showed Mike the hymns and the liturgy the other night. He was very impressed. He loves old hymns. I didn't know you could listen to them though. I'll have to tell him that. Neither of us had heard of most of them. Yesterday while we were in the car Garrett asked to listen to one of his praise CD's which happens to have a lot of classic hymns on it that have been changed a little to keep the interest of a 4-year old. I was thinking how happy I was that he was learning all those old songs.
I can't help you with the profile picture problem. Sorry. There's a picture of St.Louis there now...

alicia marie said...

Don't know about the picture in your profile. Blogger is weird how they do that, maybe if you uploaded the pic to somewhere like photobucket or something, that might help...lots of help we fellow bloggers are, huh?!?

I need to listen to the hymns. I think that both of our journeys away from Berean took us in 2 different directions, churches wise. But I do find myself missing those old hymns sometimes.

And good for you for practicing (or trying to) the piano so much! are you taking lessons anywhere right now?