I am so sorry I have been neglecting all you faithful readers out there. I hope you have not given up on me. Last week was my spring break so you'd think I would have written more last week, but I didn't, due to two reasons-
1. Jonathan was working hard on school, typing a paper (so I couldn't use the computer)
2. I couldn't put down the book I was reading.
Okay, so then the weekend came and all the sudden I had to go back to school, and I had only done one out of the five assignments that were due on Monday. Yikes! I spent all day Sunday working on school, and had to get up at 5:30 just to finish an assignment. Monday I went to work from 8-2, then had to go to school at 4 and stayed at school until 9. Tuesday I worked, then went to tutoring for a couple hours, and then had to do more homework. Wednesday was the same as Monday. Today, I worked and then we went to some friend's house and watched basketball. The movies I checked out from the library are due tomorrow so I had to watch a movie, and now here I am.
Here are the highlights from the past couple weeks- You know me, I like lists-
*Read a really good book called The Kite Runner. I wouldn't normally have read this book, except it was last month's book club book. Unfortunately I didn't even read the book in time for the book club, so I didn't even go. But everyone said it was good, and I already had checked it out so I decided I may as well read it. I couldn't stop reading it. I read it in less than a week. Now I wished I could have gone to book club because it is the type of book you want to talk about after you have read it. If you are looking for a good book, read this.
*Saturday was a 250
ppl wedding. I cut the five tier cake by myself (after Becca taught me how). I was pretty proud of myself. It is not too hard once you know how to do it and get the hang of it. I was covered in
buttercream afterwards. Yuck.
*Tutoring went really well this week. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with Ariel, because honestly, I have not worked with kids older than the age of 3 that often. If I am going to be a teacher, I need to know how to deal with kids, and this is definitely giving me needed learning experiences. Ariel is up and down. One week she is really ornery and doesn't want to do anything I have planned to do and throws a fit. The next week she is really sweet and compliant. Because of my inexperience a lot of times I don't know how to respond to her behavior. It isn't good because I am not always consistent with her. I never know if I am being too firm or not firm enough or what. I mean, what am I supposed to do when she doesn't want to do what I ask, so hides her face and won't talk to me? I can't tell if she is just having a bad day and feeling sad, or if she is just plain trying to get her way. It is totally worth it though. Not only for the experience it gives me but just the joy of having a relationship with a sweet girl and
trying to be a Christ-like figure for her. Sometimes I feel really tired after work, and I just don't want to go at all. But afterwards I am glad I went.
*I went grocery shopping for like four hours, because my fridge looked like this (there is nothing in the drawers either):

I absolutely despise grocery shopping. Ever since we left Win-Co (I love you Win-Co) all the joy is gone. I went by myself, which is always a bad sign. Jonathan has to go with me to keep me in check, or else I am like a kid with ADD in a toy-store. I have a very planned out well-organized list before I go, but once I get there I get distracted and I think of new things I need and I have to look at everything and I can't make a decision for the life of me. I feel like I get trapped in the store. It's horrible. I feel bad when I take him though because he has better things to do than grocery shop, plus he also hates it. It is better than last semester though. The only time we were able to go was Friday night. We tried to convince ourselves it was like a date. That was like the last thing I wanted to do on a Friday night. Anyway, it feels so good to finally have food in the house again! I could probably go on and on about the whole grocery shopping thing, but I better save it for another day.
*Today I made
marshmallows at work. It was kinda cool. I tasted them before they were set up and it tasted exactly like marshmallow creme. But better.
Okay so that is all the interesting things I can come up with. The weather was really nice at the beginning of the week but I didn't even get to enjoy it. Now it has cooled down. I am so excited though because I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. I haven't had a Saturday off since we got back from Idaho in January. I am going to try to get all the junk I need to do done on Friday so I can enjoy Saturday with my to-do-list all crossed off. It's ambitious, I know, but there is no harm in trying.
Just for fun I'll leave you the cool card I made for my mom's birthday (yeah I know I was like three weeks late in giving it to her)

Not a great picture, I know, but isn't it cute?