Thursday, March 1, 2007


Well... I haven't much to say recently, but I know all of my readers are dying for a new post, so I will try my best to indulge them (you'll let me know who you are right?)
I'll start out by confessing my bad habit. Sleep. I love sleep. I think I have a minor addiction to it. If I don't have to be somewhere in the morning, it is extremely difficult for me to get out of bed before ten o clock, even if I went to bed early the night before. On a normal day, when I work, I have to get up, so I don't have a choice to stay in bed. But when I have a day off, I can sleep all morning, and then take two naps during the day. It is ridiculous. I always have high hopes for getting all kinds of things done the night before my day off, but in the morning all I want to do is sleep and I don't care about the long list of things to do. That is kind of how it was today. I got up at 8, which is pretty good, but I went to bed at 10, so I had already gotten a good ten hours. But then, later on I fell asleep three times.
I just love it. When I am sleeping I feel peaceful, like I am floating in a happy place. Even if I have bad dreams, I still like it. The other night I scared the heck out of both of us when I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs. Ugh. It was weird to hear a blood-curdling scream come out of my own self. The silly thing was that all I was screaming at was a big spider that was falling on me (in my dream). It was so weird. Poor Jonathan. One time at camp, I scared the crap out of my whole cabin especially my counselor, Kelly, by screaming in the middle of the night. Also, I scared my family one night by screaming in my sleep at home too (two different times, I believe).
Anyway... enough of my boring sleep speech (it's making me want to go to bed).


Kelly said...

One time at camp...I remember you doing that to me too! Scared me to death! When I was looking through camp pictures to find one of you & Liz I found one of you guys on the very bed you were sleeping in when it occured! I actually thought of including that in my post but decided against it. :)

alicia marie said...

NOT FAIR!!! (the sleeping in till 10 thing...) I used to do that alot, when I didn't have to work, and now, I RARELY get to sleep in until 8!