Thursday, January 10, 2008


These are the kids I tutored this past semester at the Christmas tutoring party we had. I tried to take a picture of them together, but this is what happened-

So instead I had Alex take a picture of Zavier and me-

And Zavier take a picture of Alex and me-

See what happens when you let kids use the camera?
I really enjoyed working with these two. Zavier is a feisty little fellow but he always made me laugh. Alex is a sweet girl but she's got some feistiness in her as well. Unfortunately my school schedule won't allow me to tutor this semester. I am really bummed about that. I think it is such a wonderful and important ministry that I am hoping I can still be apart of it somehow.

Here are some more Christmas pictures, as promised. We really did a poor job this year. We hardly took any pictures, and the ones we have aren't that great. Quite pathetic really.

My dad trying to stop David from doing something crazy- a typical position for them, believe it or not-

Trying to beat my cousin Becca at Pick up Sticks

Taboo!!! We played this for a very long time.

Sister-in-law Jennie and me

My mother-in- law opening presents at one of the many Christmases we had.

A long standing tradition is Christmas Eve up in the mountains at Jonathan's grandparents' cabin. They had lots of snow and it was also snowing while we were there. It was so pretty that I made Jonathan go out and capture some of the beauty.

Granddad preparing the fire for the hotdogs. Yep that's right, no ham or turkey for Christmas dinner, it's hotdogs, potato salad, beans, and chips and dip at this cabin.

We left on New Year's Eve, but we still wanted to celebrate together, so we had a one-day early New Year's Eve party at my parent's house. It was a lot of fun- we had family come from all different sides- Nelsons, Burkharts, Wilsons, etc...
Partying heartily-

My sister graduated with a Master of Fine Arts while we were there. We went to her graduation and then out to eat. Her reward was this big mountain of ice cream. Of course I had to come get a bite.
Did I mention we love Christmas lights? We have some around each our living room windows, in our kitchen, in Jonathan's office, and a strand on each of the windows in our bedroom. Jonathan won't turn them off at night either so I wake up with sore eyes.

That's about all I can take right now folks, and I am sure you are thinking the same thing. So I will sign off for now.


Anonymous said...

You should get an eye ball massage

Anonymous said...

Looks like a bunch of party animals-what fun it was already. luv daddy