Sunday, March 25, 2007

I think Spring is here (finally) but Summer coming too fast

Well, I have new motivation for blogging now. The past few days I got comments from three people who don't normally comment. (you know who they are) So that was exciting. I have had a pretty good last few days.
Thursday at work we had a tasting (rich people come and taste our food and choose what they want). This one was for a wedding, so we had to give them two different tasting cakes. They are really small cakes. Anyway I was excited because I got to assemble both cakes, which is easy, but Melissa taught me how to ice them. Now it may sound like no big deal, but it was very difficult. You don't just slap the buttercream on and spread it around. You have to make it look absolutely smooth and perfect, no flaws. I probably spent over an hour on two little cakes.
Click here to see basically what I was doing. (it's easier than it looks.) It was fun to learn something new though.

Jonathan went to a philosophy conference to present a paper with his professor over in Illinois Thursday and Friday. It was the first time I've spent the night all alone. The house felt so quiet! I had to sleep with the hall light on because I am such a wimp. Jonathan had a pretty miserable time at the conference (he was the designated driver since everyone he was with drank their hearts out), but he did a really good job presenting his paper, and a couple big name philosophers there told him so.
Friday I had the day off so I relaxed most of the day, except that I had to re-take the science section of this standardized test the state requires. I failed it the first time because I ran out of time so just filled in the bubbles. I am awful at science so it was hard for me. The minimum passing score is pretty low, so I am thinking I have a pretty good chance.
Umm... Saturday was a wedding. I cut the cake and can proudly say I did a lot better than I did last time (I was still coated in buttercream afterwards) It was miserable though because the air conditioning wasn't working so the kitchen was about 80 degrees. All the guys were dripping sweat after the entree plate-up.
Also my PS2 game sold on e-bay for 71 dollars. Not too bad I'd say for a first time seller. Today I wasted hours playing a dumb computer game. I am thinking of selling it on e-bay so I won't waste any more time on it. It was 80 degrees today. Jonathan can't stand it so he turned on the air-conditioner on.
I talked to my family tonight. There is a Burkhart family reunion in New Hampshire this summer. My parents are trying to get us to go with them and I think it would be a lot of fun, but on the other hand I would like to visit Idaho in the summer, and I know we can't do both. Brooke and Ira aren't going to the reunion because the lucky ducks are going to Japan for 16 days. I am trying to convince my parents to stop here on their way to the reunion and visit us, but airline tickets from Boise to New Hampshire and Boise to St. Louis are about the same price. So it would be pretty expensive. What to do, what to do?
Oh goodness it is my bed-time.
Everything is starting to bloom so I'll try to post pictures soon of all the loveliness.


alicia marie said...

that's so exciting about hte mini cakes! I think I would really like to be a pastry chef. but I would NEVER lose weight! I'm so gladyou really like what you are doing and learning so many new things!

I hear you on the weather. We are having insane weather here. 95 for a few days last week, then one day it didn't get over 60, then yesterday was just really nice, 75, and again today, it is like 60...MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

Anonymous said...

Sage I have tried to get a cake perfect in my cake decorating class it is really hard. Tell jonathan that I am proud of him for writing such a good paper that he got to present it to others. Nate Agenbroud is going to do the same thing near us. I am very jealous of your nice weather. It is 50 here 41 with the wind chile and 71% humidity(i don't know how to tipe the degrees sign).
