Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Long Version Part II: I survived the end of the semester

I cut it pretty close the last week of class, I admit. I had three presentations due, two papers (albeit short ones), and two enormous projects (basically just really long papers), all due in one week. Wednesday of that week, I had two papers and a presentation due which I hadn't even started. I typed most of one of the papers before class. Then I went to class, taught a lesson to my classmates (this one I had prepared in advance) went down to the library and finished typing up the paper and accompanying PowerPoint presentation, then turned it in and gave the presentation all within in a matter of about 40 minutes. Then I went to Northwest Coffee, drank down an iced Americano and got started on my next essay. I somehow finished it up before class. The next day, Thursday, I spent writing a huge project that I hadn't started on even though it was due Friday. Unfortunately I had to go to work on Friday, so I would have to turn it in before I went to work. Well I worked all day and night, had to go to bed, woke up and worked on it some more and still hadn't gotten it done. It ended up that I had to call my boss and ask her if I could be a little late to work. So I hurried and finished it up, went to school, printed it off, turned it in, and got to work only 45 minutes late and worked an eight hour shift. Blech. It was not a fun day. Then the next week I had finals but they were not too bad and then I was free from the craziest and zaniest semester ever. Yay! So to hurry up and end this horribly boring story.... I got my grades last week and managed to pull of all A's- 4.0 for eighteen credits. Not bad if I say so myself. Really though, I couldn't have done it without God's grace or the help of my wonderful, patient, and encouraging husband. Check back tomorrow for the
Long Version Part III: I watched Polyanna three times in one week. (and want to watch it again)


Anonymous said...

Yay Sage! Congratulations on straight A's!! That's difficult to pull off- and you did in practically a week.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you must have your daddy's brains cells!! congrats on all A's.(David are you listening??) where's the pics of you and the "sofa"? love Dad

pelican1 said...

Congratulations, super job, fun blog entries, and I miss you like crazy!!!