Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Welcome Back Present for Us

Sorry about the lack of updates. I know you are all dying to hear about my vacation to Idaho, but I am waiting until it's a bit cooler in here. You see, after waking up late and nearly missing our flight and spending our entire day in airplanes and airports... this is what we came home to on Saturday when I all I wanted to do was take a shower-

Some pipe had busted in the bathroom and was shooting water everywhere. The water had been going long enough and strong enough that it broke the light, the fan, soaked the hallway carpet, and soaked all of our toiletries in the bathroom cupboard. Plus water dripped through the vent into the basement and ruined our air conditioner. So our house was 89 degrees, very humid, and we had no way of cooling it down. With some force Jonathan got the 24 hour maintenance guy to come on a Saturday night and fix the pipe. Fortunately, he also gave us a window air-conditioner for our bedroom. So basically we moved into our bedroom where it is cool and are staying there until the air conditioner is fixed. And that is when I will give you lots of juicy details and photos of our vacation.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home!! Was that an interesting day or what? Hope you settled by now .love Dad

Kelly said...

Oh goodness! That doesn't look good. Yuck.
Well I hope you had a good time visiting your family!

alicia marie said...

that soooo sucks! sorry about that...bummer to come home to!

We had so much fun getting to see you guys! It was great that it worked out we were both in town at the same time!