Here is what I got.
The world's smallest tea set. The tea pot actually does pour tea in case you are wondering. Not. You are so gullible.
Please, sit, have some tea.
Also some funky candy. I had to take a picture of it so that I would remember what it looked like after I ate it all.
And of course the world's smallest breakfast.
You were wondering why Japanese people are so small, well, considering this is their normal portion size, it explains a lot.
Yeah!! thank you for posting the tiny breakfast set- waiting to find out which set you got was torture- the curiosity was killing me.
Wait a second- did you get a kitty-cat head candy? I don't see it.
Ohhhhh! So CUTE! I want a sister that goes to Japan! Now I'm mad at you....because I want those cool trinkets! J/K. How was the candy? I bet it was good.
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