Tuesday, April 3, 2007

All is lost

Okay well, I just was merrily typing away, then I accidentally lost all that I had just typed. So I promise, I was going to post something interesting tonight, but now I am mad and don't want to type it all again. Besides I'd never be able to remember it.
I guess I'll just give you the main point of the paragraphs I had written.
Random Thoughts-
My music methods class is fun. The teacher is fantastic at the piano. He is trying to teach everyone the basics of piano. Since I already know how to play I get to help teach. I wish I could take lessons from him, because without a piano teacher I am lost. I have been working on this song for months. I think I am finally getting it.

Sunday's service was convicting. It was the best Palm Sunday service I have ever been to. Not super cheesy, like Palm Sundays have a tendency to be. The theme was betrayal. I don't know if this link will work, but you can try clicking on it to see our church's bulletein from this Sunday. I will tell more about it later, and try to fix the link.

I have been sad lately. I had a rotten last week at work. We didn't have much going on, so there was hardly anything to do. Plus the air conditioning still wasn't working, so it was unbearably hot. Today was much better though because this Sunday is Easter, and we have a huge Easter Brunch. I kept busy, and the air-conditioning was fixed.
I miss my family. I miss Idaho. I especially miss downtown Boise. We realized that we have now lived in St. Louis longer than we lived in Boise together. I can't believe it has been over a year and a half. It feels like ages ago since we first moved here, and even longer since we lived in Idaho. It is weird to think about it. It seems like we had totally different lives in Boise. Actually it was a different life, but it seems like a different life-time. That doesn't make much sense does it? There are definitely things I like about St. Louis, and reasons I like living here. I won't bother to name them now. But still. My parents, my grandparents, my siblings, my in-laws, are all in Idaho. My twelve-year-old brother is growing up without me. I hardly recognize him when I see him. Here we have no family. We have church friends. But none that are super close (yet; we are working on that). In Idaho we didn't need friends because we had our family.
Jonathan and I are so anti-social. We like to isolate ourselves from everybody, especially if we are feeling lonely (which doesn't make much sense, I know). Pastor Donn actually warned us about this during our pre-marital counseling. We took some personality tests thing, and we were both extreme introverts. He said we will really have to make an effort to get out and be with other people. He is so nice. He even told us we could call him for money if we needed some to go out. I am sorry, I'll shut-up now, I am sure you have had enough of my whining. If any of you have advice on making friends, let me know :)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh Sage! I completely understand how you feel! When Mike and I first got married we were still in college so we lived in Oregon for a bit & I missed my family terribly. I am super close with my family also so I do know where you're at. It gets better. Unfortunately the only thing that makes it better is time! I will be praying for you though. Do you get to come back for a visit soon?