Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A Boring Report of the Past Week

It has been so warm here lately. It cooled down a lot today, and it is supposed to get colder, but yesterday it was eighty degrees. Everything is so beautiful finally. Everywhere the trees are blooming with white, purple, pink, and peach blossoms. Unfortunately the magnolias are already done blooming. Tulips are everywhere. We even have some in front of our house, but they haven't quite opened yet.
Quick updates-
Wednesday at work I made my first quiche. It was cheddar, tomato, spinach, green onion, and ham, delicous! I was very happy because it turned out wonderfully. The way we make quiche is a very delicate process, so I was a bit nervous about it.
Thursday we went to a Blues (hockey) game. We got the tickets from a guy from church. His family business has season tickets in a really good section- padded seats and everything. So that was fun. Plus they actually won which always makes it more enjoyable. Oh yeah, and it was free coffee mug night, so two Blues mugs for Jonathan which is a nice addition to his Blues memorabilia.
Friday I had the day off and was able to get the house clean and some homework done.
Since I had Saturday off, which is rare, we took the opportunity to go to the Missouri Botanical Garden, which is free to city residents on Saturday morning. It was beautiful. Of course it's always beautiful, but especially at the beginning of Spring. That night we went over to our friend's house to play games with some other people.
Sunday after church, I spent most of the day reading the next book club book, Rebecca. I have read it before, but I didn't remember it much. In the evening it was so nice outside, Jonathan and I took a long walk to the park.
That is pretty much what has been going on with us.

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