Thursday, April 26, 2007

What I have been doing for the past two weeks

I can't tell you how good it feels to be done with school for the semester. Last week I worked a full week, so I hardly had time to get any school work done. Remember how I am a sleep addict? Well I figured out I was just getting too much sleep. Since it is impossible for me to get up any earlier than is absolutely necessary, I decided I would just have to start staying up later. I changed my sleep schedule so that I go to bed about 12:30 or 1 and get up at seven. I don't feel as groggy and tired when I wake up. Plus it gave me a reason to drink coffee. I have discovered how nice it is to drink black coffee when I get to work. I started calling it my happy juice because it has this magical effect on me, where I feel alert and in a good mood. No wonder Jonathan sucks the stuff down like a hummingbird does kool-aid. (Don't ask me where that came from). So with the help of added hours in my day, I managed to write five book reviews in two days (phew!). Then this week I had to write the eight lesson plans for my language arts class in two days. That was fun. Thankfully I had Monday and Tuesday off, so I had the time. I hadn't cleaned my house for like three weeks, so Tuesday night I spent three hours cleaning. Wow! the bathroom is sparkling along with the fridge. I hate dirty fridges. How can you put new groceries in a dirty refrigerator? Don't do it. Wednesday I had to teach one of my lesson plans to the class. I was nervous but I think I did really well. The finals for my classes were take-home, so I got those done. And for my music methods class, my professor exempted me from the final (Yay!) since I knew everything on it anyway. So there you go. I have three weeks of freedom until summer school... but we aren't thinking about that right now are we... because we are enjoying having a clean house and no homework!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found out that I, too, was actually getting too much sleep. My problem was staying up too late, so I'd be tired in the morning and wouldn't get up until after 10am. But if I get in bed by like 10:30, it makes a big difference and I can pop out of bed before 8am. It is an answer to prayer because I know a Godly woman gets up before the whole house and gets stuff done. Or something like that.