Friday, May 18, 2007


On Tuesday I wanted to get out and do something with Jonathan, since on Monday all I did was lay(lie?) around. I picked a good spot to go- Shaw Nature Reserve. It's way out past the city where it's pretty, kind of a branch of the Missouri Botanical Garden. I did not pick a good day however. It was a really beautiful morning, but by the time we got it together we didn't get on the Interstate until about one o'clock. On the drive over a big rainstorm hit, but we were already more than half way there so there was no turning back. It did stop raining eventually, but it was still overcast. The lady at the guide center said to watch out for ticks since they are really bad this time of year. Jonathan and I, anticipating the heat, both wore shorts and tee-shirts, so the whole time we were frantically brushing each other off from fear of the dreaded bugs. (We also used half a can of bug spray.) We hiked a trail down to a river. It was nice, but on the way back it started raining again. I had an umbrella only big enough for me, so poor Jonathan was soaked. (You can't walk with two people under an umbrella anyway.)

The good thing was I found my old pet turtle George, who ran away several years ago. I don't have a clue how he got all the way to Missouri, but considering my poor care-taker skills, I am not that surprised. He looked happier than ever, so I left him there but got a picture to remember him by.

Here is George's friend who I came very close to stomping on when I was running through a part of the trail that was lined with tall, wet, grass, -trying to avoid being eaten alive by ticks.

The picture is of poor quality because Jonathan was also in a hurry to get out of the tall grass. He's hiding in his shell, because like I said, I almost ran him over. But what can he expect? He's sitting in the middle of the road. Same with that stupid fat ugly worm that is grossing me out and ruining the picture.

Here are some nice scenery pictures Jonathan took-

We are definitely going back when it is not raining and high tick season!


alicia marie said...

wow! it is so beautiful and green there!! sorry you got stuck in the rain and almost eaten alive by ticks...but it makes the story much more blog worthy and memorable that way! Glad to see George is makin' it ok out in the wild, and he he even has friends!

love love love the scenery pictures...esp. the one of the daisys, but I'm predictable about that...I always love me some daisys!

Kelly said...

You are so funny! It looks like it was beautiful even with the rain (minus the ticks though). I'm very glad you got to see George too!