Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day like no other

First of all, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there. Hope your family treated you better than I did my mothers. They will be getting their cards and presents late. Oh well. It is hard to get it together in time when they are half way across the country.

Next, I wanted to say, remember how I said we were having a Mother's Day brunch at my work for about 4oo people? Well, it turns out I was wrong. We had reservations for 800 people. Needless to say, last week was extremely busy. I worked 52 hours from Wednesday through Sunday. That probably doesn't sound like that much. But when you are on your feet for fifty-one of those hours, it's pretty rough. I am not one to complain though because first of all, I was happy to get the work and the over-time, and secondly the head chef, Patrick, and head pastry chef, Brandon, basically worked non-stop for three days straight (yes that includes night). I don't know how they did it.

The actual brunch was pretty spectacular. I have never seen so much food in my life. There were literally piles of fresh bread, pastries, desserts, fresh fruit, shrimp, fish and on and on and on. Patrick carved a huge marlin out of ice, which was the centerpiece for the fish station. For the dessert station, he made an entire tropical flower bouquet out of marzipan. I wish I would have taken pictures.

When I got home on Sunday, I was exhausted. After much lying around and sleeping today I am feeling like myself again. I was lucky enough to get today and tomorrow off to recover.

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