Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Things I Did On My Break

I got a mini vacation this week. No work or school. It was very unfortunate to be only scheduled for two days, but at the same time it was a nice break. I tried to relax and enjoy it and be a bit productive at the same time, but it is a lot harder than it sounds. It is hard for me to relax sometimes because I always feel like I should be doing something. I think I did a good job of doing both though.

Things I accomplished:
- made very long to-do list
- organized closet full of junk (I should have taken a before/after picture, it's that good)
- went grocery shopping
- cleaned the house
- organized all education class notes into large binder in preparation for the Praxis
- cleaned out car
- got a healthy dose of TV
- played hours of video games
- slept in
- tutored
- hung out with friend Karen and babies Annika, Olivia, and Lauren
- made dinner every night
- broke our CD player*

Well, I think that about sums it up. Back to work for me tomorrow so I better get to bed.

*more to come on this later

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yea for breaks! And I agree with you - it does sound like you were both productive and relaxed! :)