Thursday, October 4, 2007

Because I can't think of anything to write about....

I will just ramble on until I can think of something. It has been really hot here still. It is October for pete's sake and it is still between 80 and 90 degrees. I am ready for fall. I am ready to turn off the air conditioning and get a break from high electricity bills. I am ready to wear my new-to-me corduroys and cardigan I got at Goodwill last week. I am ready to drink hot mint tea at night and take bubble baths. I am ready to wear the new coat I got on sale this summer. I am ready to jog in the morning in the cool air and jump in the hot shower when we are done to warm up. Oh yeah, did I mention I started dragging myself out of bed and dragging Jonathan to go jogging mon., wed., and fri. mornings? We are on our fourth week so far. It hasn't been too bad because we are gradually working ourselves up to jogging for thirty minutes sessions without stopping. I am kinda excited about it now because my friend Karen is running a 5k race in November and asked me if I wanted to join, so now I have something to keep me motivated. I have never run a race before, except for when I was an alternate for track in the fourth grade. But that was so long ago, and not even close to three miles. Jonathan really is sweet for going with me because he doesn't exactly enjoy it and thinks its completely ridiculous, and it hurts his shins. He said- why would anyone ever run for fun? And I said- we're not running for fun; we're running because we're fat!
But I don't want to complain too much about the weather because I know as soon as January rolls around I am going to be begging for spring and dying from the cold.

Because I think your eyes need a relief from all this rambling text and your heart needs some laughter, I will show you something you may have not known about me. I am totally, pathetically, and unbelievably, UN-photogenic. It's sad really. Jonathan tries so hard to get a good picture of me but it really is a challenge. See so for yourself-

And this isn't even half of the pictures that Jonathan took! He probably took thirty pictures of me that day and got only three or four good ones. This is one of the better ones (probably because it is farther away from my face :)

You didn't think I was going to leave you with those scary images imprinted in your brain, did you?


alicia marie said...

that progression of pictures completely cracked me up! they need to be that order!

Good for you for jogging. I'm with Jonathan. No running for fun for me. Brent disagrees. He used to jog 3 miles a day back in the day. ugh. and I get the shins hurting too. that happened to me all the time. but running that 5k will be fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man! Reading and looking at those pictures is making laugh so hard and so loud! Although I would argue that you ARE NOT un-photogenic, I have to admit that you've provided some substantial evidence here today.

One time I tried out for track in the ninth grade, and at practice we started out by running around the track (weird, huh?) and after almost one time around I didn't turn when the track did- I just kept running, headed straight for home. That was the last time I ran except for at night sometimes when I've turned off all the lights in the house and I have to run to the bed because the boogey-man is chasing me.

Kelly said...

I am a member of the unphotogenic club. I'm glad I now have at least one child who is not only photogenic but likes to have his picture taken. Your pictures made me laugh!
I don't think running and fun can possibly go in the same sentence. YUCK! I love walking though. Up until a couple weeks ago I would go walking every morning before the kids got up and I loved it. As soon as I get the all clear from the doctor I'll be back at it. Enjoy - if that's possible - your running! :)