Thursday, October 18, 2007

2nd Day

The second day on the job wasn't too bad. It certainly has been the easiest start to a new job I have ever had. Usually the first few weeks I go home crying (or maybe that was just that devil place Nadoz; I had a horrible start there). But I haven't cried yet, which is a good sign. Everyone is really nice and so are the customers. I seem to be catching on pretty well therefore that always helps. I even count back change! It's harder than it looks, especially for a dumb blond like me.

If you think of it, please pray for our home church, New Hope Baptist, which has been experiencing a lot of loss the past couple weeks. Each week they send us a bulletin with prayer requests, and this week I read that Julie Piper, a wife of one of the pastors of the area Baptist churches died. Also, two members of New Hope died, Shirley Bentsen, and Mason Jenkins. Shirley Bentsen was an older lady who was always so nice to us and helpful to everyone. I heard about Mason from Alicia's blog. Mason was only three years old and suffered from Hurler's Syndrome. You can learn more about him here.

P.S. Thank-you to you commenters for taking the time. All your comments on the last post made my day!


Kelly said...

I'm glad your job is going okay.

I'm sorry to hear that New Hope has been so hard hit the past couple weeks. I knew about Julie and Mason already but not about Shirley Bentsen. That name sounds so familiar to me, although I don't know why. I'll be praying.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sage for the prayer requests- I might add Julie Piper left 7, thats seven, daughters and a husband. love dad