Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Rear Hurts...

Because I have been sitting on it all day today. And don't even say... huh, I thought your rear would be used to it by now. No, I did not sit on it all day by choice. I, Sage Nelson, was summoned by the city of Saint Louis to report to the civil courts building for jury duty. It was a long day. From 8 am until 2 pm I sat and waited for my number to be called (not including an hour lunch break) in a very uncomfortable chair in a cold room. When my number finally was called, I, along with about 49 other people, sat in a courtroom for three more hours while the prosecutor asked us all questions to see who would or would not be an impartial juror for the trial. Then it was a quarter to 5 and the judge sent us home. But we have to report back at 9:15 am tomorrow, which just happens to be during my classes. It was somewhat cool to see how this whole justice system works but mainly it was just boring. Plus it's kinda freaking me out to think I may get chosen to be a juror for the trial. Of course I cannot tell you anything about the trial, but maybe someday I will. For now, that is all the exciting news I have to tell you. I spent the weekend doing all the homework I have been procrastinating to do, so no news there. I am glad you got a kick out of the silly pictures of me, but I am ready to take them down because I don't actually enjoy seeing them every time I look at my blog. Not that I look at my own blog in some narcissistic way, but I use it to go to all the sites I frequent. Anyways, I guess I'll just have to keep posting a lot so the pictures disappear into the archives and I won't have to look at them anymore. Have a good day tomorrow, and think of me while I am doing my civic duty on a hard wooden bench.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohh girlie, I am such a bad friend. I got your letter like...two months ago and never wrote you back. :( Please don't hate me. My life is psycho now, and I've lots to tell you and I'm sure you've got lots to tell me. Is your email still the same?

I love you! I'm sorry your bum hurts!